Since 1998, Baldwin Hackett & Meeks, Inc. (BHMI), a leading software solutions provider, has had a very active technical internship program running three separate sessions each year – Spring, Summer, and Fall.
Interns are recruited from several local colleges and universities including the following:
Bellevue University
Doane College
Nebraska Wesleyan
When choosing intern candidates, BHMI looks for Junior or Senior level students with an average GPA of 3.6 or higher who excel in their course work.
The success of BHMI’s internship program in evident from the number of applicants the company receives prior to each session as well as the number of interns that choose to stay on with BHMI for multiple sessions. All four of BHMI’s Fall 2011 interns decided to extend their internship through the 2012 Spring session. In addition to the four, BHMI hired two interns for the Spring session.
When Lucy Horpedahl from UNO, one of the new Spring interns, was asked what she values most about her internship with BHMI, she said, “This is the first time I have worked a computer-related job and have had the opportunity to apply what I am learning in class.” She went on to say, “I have found that my class curriculum doesn’t always coincide with how things are done at work, so I value the exposure I am gaining to the real world.”
Later this month, BHMI will start looking for local interns for its Summer session that begins in June. If you know of an outstanding computer science student looking for a summer internship, please have them check with their university career center for more information regarding BHMI’s internship posting. Feel free to download information about BHMI’s internship program.