Baldwin Hackett & Meeks, Inc. (BHMI) is a member of the Women in IT Task Force that the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) is sponsoring. The focus of this effort is to raise $400,000 for programs that will introduce young women to IT, with the goal of doubling the number of women in the College of Information Science & Technology in the next two years.
Nationally, women earn just 18 percent of all computer and information science degrees, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. It’s a big disparity at a time when women make up 57 percent of all undergraduate students at four-year institutions.
According to the Department of Labor, women held 26 percent of jobs in computing-related occupations in 2012, up only 1 percent from 2011. The new fund represents a collective focus to address the local workforce issue by encouraging women to join the IT field.