BHMI is actively engaged in the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s CodeCrush initiative to encourage middle and high school girls to enter the IT world.
CodeCrush is a FREE immersion experience for 8th and 9th grade girls designed to show them the world of information technology (IT). While the IT sector grows every day, there are too few skilled professionals to fill open positions and even fewer women. Today, very few women are pursuing academic and career opportunities in IT. In fact, last year women held only 25% of all computing-related occupations in the U.S. and only 18% of all computing and information science degrees were earned by women. That means a big part of our population is missing and not bringing their diverse perspectives to the world of IT.
The first session is scheduled from February 26 to March 1. Only 20 spots are available and applications are due Dec. 22nd. CodeCrush will introduce these young girls to the world of IT with hands on, half–day workshops with bioinformatics, IT innovation, music technology and cybersecurity.
Students must be in 8th or 9th grade at the beginning of the 2013 school year, have parent permission and be nominated by a teacher who will also accompany them to the immersion experience. It’s free, and mentor teachers receive a $500 stipend for their time
Students and mentors will stay on campus and get to experience Omaha through the eyes of a professional IT women: checking out the IT departments of global corporations, meeting women professionals who are engaged in IT, visiting the behind-the-scenes of local attractions and even going to a Maverick hockey game. The days will be packed with dinners with IS&T students, staff and faculty, panel discussions with women in the field, as well as lunch with an IT mentor.
Registration for this immersion program is now open to 8th and 9th grade girls!

You can learn more about CodeCrush or apply online at
As an active supporter of the UNO College of Information Science and Technology Women in IT Initiative, BHMI is honored to assist UNO with this effort…helping young women develop a passion for IT and closing the gender gap.